“We’re all just walking each other home.”


I never thought of myself as a creative person.

As a daughter of two mathy scientists (technical term), and a natural do gooder (also technical term) it took me a while to figure out how a love for interior design fit into my story.

But once I acknowledged my true passion, I dove in head first. After getting a Masters Certification from Heritage School of Interior Design and working for a stint at a boutique design firm, I officially created my own studio in 2023— Karyn Wingard Design.

I believe that when you surround yourself with beauty and objects that bring you inspiration and deep belonging, you become your best self. My intention as a designer is to walk you home — a place of soulful delight, rest, and rejuvenation.

My favorite part of design is connecting with clients on a level far deeper than most designers have time for.

The more I get to know how you live and breathe in your home, the richer the design.

I thoughtfully curate packages to allow for just that. I design with an emphasis on soulfulness — infusing texture, color, and materiality with the patina of antiques and vintage pieces. I love to collaborate with other folks in the trade — architects, seamstresses, carpenters, electricians, painters, photographers, artists. It all comes together to create a home that is unapologetically unique to you.

A few things about me…

  • Our family of four packed small carry-ons and traveled the world for three months in the summer of 2023. We loved the adventure!

  • I get appropriately excited when folks bring in a design element that feels a little risky. Those are the conversation starters. Every time.

  • I’m an enneagram 4 -- I crave authenticity in all of my interactions and find the best expression of truth and beauty to lie in the arts and artists of the world.

  • Guacamole is the food of gods. Put it in anything and I’m all in.

  • I don’t like to take myself too seriously and get uneasy when things start to feel too self-important... especially in the design world. That’s why I try to bring in at least one whimsical element to everything I put my hands on.

  • Favorite parenting hack: apologizing when I make a mistake. I go from, “they’ll need therapy for this” to “I should write a book” in like 5 minutes.